Call me crazy, I put Quinn in swimm lessons down in the valley. We drive down there for 3 days a week for 4 weeks. We only got to do 3 weeks because of my surgrey. So far it has been so neat to watch Quinn. I could never be the one to dunk him under water, so I am glad that she does. He holds his breath really well, and this last week he loves to pick up rings at the bottom. He seems to like it all until he goes down to the deep in, and has to go off the diving board. When it first started I didnt know what to think. He would cry, and I just wanted to hold him, but at the same time I was laughing, because it was crazy to see him go under water. Hopefully I will be able to continue with the lessons this summer. Carly and Sefo have been wonderful in letting us stay with them, and of course my grandma Shelia. When we come back home on Thursday's I get excited to see Ben. I sure miss him those couple of days. I sure am more grateful for him, being away from him makes me realize that he does a whole lot for me and the boys.
I got to go see Baby Lewis, and he is so beautiful. Precious and sweet. Jessica does have her hands filled. She is such a wondeful and tender mother, and been blessed with great patience. I just heard good news that he may be going off oxygen and could be going off the feeding tube. That is wonderful to hear. Jessica you are such a special person.