Monday, May 24, 2010

Ya most everybody knows that I am prego again.
But this time its a GIRL. I would have to say that I was 90% sure it
was a boy. I am so excited about another little one, and that its a girl, I am due in Sept somewhere, they keep changing the date on me, I just hope she doesn't come during Elk time. Ben finally got drawn for Archery Bull in our area yea! But of course its in September. He was so thrilled about his hunt, almost more than finding out we were having a girl, crazy man! I am excited for the month of Sept, being full out large in the summer not really to excited for that, but o-well Its a girl so I will take it.


Jonathan and Mandi Crandell said...

Hooray for little girls! We are so excited for you! Hope you are feeling well. And we can't wait to see you guys this July.

Cara said...

oh yay! Congrats, That is so exciting that its a girl! Your little guys are going to be so protective over her. :) And she is sure to be a cutie!

Aunt Tiff said...

Can't wait for her to get here! You're naming her Tiffani after her favorite aunt...right?!!! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! We're so excited for you guys.

tenney_fam said...

Yippee you finally get to use the name I wanted to steal! I'm happy for you guys. You will have so much fun with a little girl.

{nicole coombs} said...

Thats awesome your having a girl!! Congrats!

BeckyinQC said...

Kelly told me you were expecting and having a girl! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see her! What a little cutie she will be! Congratulations!

Kelly said...

What the heck! I have to hear through the grape vine that you are having a little girl! Congratulations! I can't wait to get her all dolled up in bows, bracelets and dresses.

JaredandKatie said...

Girls are so much fun!! Congrats! You'll loving having some pink around the house :)