We needed to go get some firewood for our house, and Ben said that we could tag along. Quinn wasnt to excited about the chainsaw, so he deceided to take the Ranger for a ride. Which he loves to go for rides on that thing. Once all the wood was cut, he wanted to be like his dad, so we had to give him some pieces to throw in.

We got the wood right behind the ranch. Dad and him after its all done.

I am pretty much excited about this, I canned these all by myself and not one of them shattered.

We finally got our first egg, we
have 4 of them now. But we still have 9 hens and they are taking there sweet time.

This is when my mother watched him, while we were in Utah. I am going to have to get his own size of boots.

After Church I had to turn on the water for the grass, and turned around and he was running thru the sprinkle. I just let him have fun, he got really drenched.

I had to take off his clothes after he got all wet.
"Mom what is that?!"

Our chickens got out and he is offically our chicken hearder.